WLTX Columbia, SC News Piece

Apparently I'm a Mobile Technology Expert. I prefer Mobile Learning Enthusiast.I traveled to Columbia, South Carolina to work with teachers, students, and parents in the Richland One School District. On March 28 I presented an evening session called "I'm a Mobile Learner" and shared my vision and examples of mobile learning. The local news station, WLTX, interviewed me and broadcasted a story about the event and about mobile learning. They titled the piece "Expert: Smart Phones Are the Next Classroom Computers." Of course, I didn't write the piece or pick the title. I wouldn't limit mobile learning to simply smartphones. I see mobile learning as using tools at hand, which might be phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, and web-based tools. 

You can view the aired news piece online and read the transcript at wltx.com.


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