Create Narrated Slideshows with SonicPics

SonicPics is currently my favorite app! It is like Microsoft's PhotoStory for iPod touch. Simply select photos to bring into a SonicPics project. Then record a narration for the project, flicking the screen to advance to the next image. You'll need a microphone to record your narration on iPod touch. After recording, SonicPics combines the narration and images into a movie. You can email the mpeg-4 movie, share through WiFi to a computer, or upload to YouTube.

As an example, I was going to take lots of screenshots while using SonicPics. I was then going to narrate the screenshots using SonicPics. edumacnation had the same idea and already posted a video to YouTube. Check it out below.

Keep in mind that images used in a SonicPics project can come from many different sources. They could be screenshots from other apps, photos synced from a digital camera, edited photos from Mobile, pictures exported from a drawing app, comics made in Comic Touch, saved images from Safari, etc. 

There are loads of student uses for SonicPics. There's sharing personal narratives, reviewing curriculum, telling about field trips, creating presentations, and so much more. In fact, read about how Louise Duncan's students are putting together app reviews using SonicPics.

SonicPics is usually priced at $2.99. Today it's on sale for the price of free--and this is no April Fools joke!


Learning in Hand Podcast #21: Podcast from iPod touch


iPad Nuggets from Apple's Guided Tour Videos