Algebraf: Amazing Alyson

Algebraf Level 69Brian Miller, Dennis Brubaker, and Lavonne Sparling from Southwood Elementary School in Wabash, Indiana write:

Your most recent blog entry about Algebraf made me realize we should share with you a sixth grader's skills with the program. We bought used handhelds for our fifth graders at the beginning of this school year. We also bought enough for the students in the G/T class. Alyson is a sixth grader in that G/T program, therefore she was able to have some exposure to the handhelds. Alyson's excitement carried over to home, so her mom decided to buy Alyson her very own handheld.

We asked her to share a little about her experience with Algebraf. Alyson writes...

"The first time I went through this it took me about 2 weeks. I just finished my fourth time and it took me 1 hour. The more you do it the easier it gets. After you finish 1 time you have to delete the program and beam it back on to your handheld. On Algebraf there is not just one strategy to use. There is the simple obvious strategy and the guess and check."

We're including a screen shot of her progress. Please forgive us for the fuzziness of the picture. We had to put it on Elmo then photograph the television screen.

As you can see from the screenshot, part of the answer to level 69 is showing. You can also see the friendly message you receive when you reach the end of Algebraf: Congratulations. You finished the last level. Thank you. And thank you to Brian, Dennis, Lavonne, and "Amazing Alyson" for sharing great information about Algebraf!


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