Sketchy Contest Winners

Hot To Use A Tungsten EThe winners of the 2006 Sketchy Animation Contest have been announced! I am proud to say that two first place winners are students from my elementary school! I have to say, the winning animations in this contest just keep getting better and better each year.

GoKnow has posted the 2006 winning animations and you've got to check them out. These will serve as great examples for students when they learn about using Sketchy. One animation in particular I'd like to point out is from O'Neill, Nebraska (listen to an Our City Podcast from O'Neill). The animation is titled How To Use A Tungsten E2. The animation goes by quickly, but gives great information on the parts of a handheld and how to use Sketchy. Like all of the winning animations, it's very well done!

You can view the contest winners here.


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