Facetime with Tony Vincent

iPad Educators interviewed Stick Around's creator, Tony Vincent. Tony answered these questions:

  • What inspired you to develop Stick Around?
  • What are the key features of the app that make it stand out?
  • Stick Around is a hugely versatile app for the modern educator. Could you tell us about any creative uses teachers have found for it?
  • It's definitely an app that students can be using themselves too isn't it?
  • What other sorts of apps do you use regularly that you might recommend to our readers?
  • What's next for you?
  • How can people get in touch with you or keep up to date with what you're up to?

Click to read the entire interview and learn a little more about how Stick Around went from an idea to an app used by thousands.

The iPad Educators website has a lot to offer, including app reviews and more interviews. Read about a pair of free digital books from iPad Educators.


Stick Around Walkthrough Video


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