Hanging Out with Students in Nebraska

Photo Credit: @SGeldes on Twitter

Photo Credit: @SGeldes on Twitter

Brent Catlett (@catlett1) arranged a fantastic Google Hangout on March 13, 2014 between Tony Vincent and several classrooms that are using Stick Around. Each class took turns asking Tony questions about the app and told him about some of the puzzles they have made. They also gave him some great suggestions for future versions of the app. 

Some of the teachers blogged about the experience. Jennifer Manning (@manning0812) wrote on her miPad Classroom blog, "Our 4th graders were able to ask Tony questions about his app.  Tony even added student suggestions to his list!  He also informed us of some very interesting updates coming soon."

Jennifer also wrote, "Stick Around is an amazing app that is beneficial for students as well as teachers.  It is an app that can be used at any grade level and in all curriculuar areas!"

Jennifer's students also blogged about the Google Hangout and about the Stick Around app. I encourage you to read their posts and leave comments. Be sure to mention where you are from when you leave a comment because students love to read them!

Sharae Geldes (@SGeldes), another fourth grade teacher, also blogged about Stick Around and March 13th's Google Hangout in her post Sticking to Stick Around. Like Jennifer's class, Sharae's students blogged as well. Read their posts and leave some comments.

And since you are reading students' blogs, also stop by Miss Salie's Class. Miss Salie's (@ESalie13) sixth graders would also appreciate any comments you leave.

Many of the teachers tweeted during March 13th's Google Hangout. Many of their tweets have been captures and embedded below:

You might have noticed that the tweets use the hashtag #ipadacademy. Teachers involved in Bellevue Public Schools' iPad project use this hashtag to share their successes, questions, and resources. Brent Catlett has written a series of posts about #ipadacademy. Thanks Brent for arranging the Hangout and for sharing all the great things Bellevue students are doing with their technology!


Facetime with Tony Vincent


Living & Nonliving Things