Preamble to the U.S. Constitution Puzzle

How well do you know the Preamble to the United States  Constitution? Play this Stick Around puzzle to see if you can place the words into the correct blanks.

When you first open the puzzle, you can click the web link to watch a 3 minute School House Rock video! While playing, you can click each sticker's information button to view the word's definition.

Puzzle Start Screen

Playing the Puzzle

Download the puzzle file: Open this link on your iPad and then choose to Open in Stick Around.

Scan to download the puzzle file.

Scan to download the puzzle file.

Download the project file: Open this link on your iPad and then choose Open in Stick Around. I'm providing the puzzle file so you can open as project and make changes. It also might be helpful to see the background, stickers, and answer key.

You need to have Stick Around installed on your iPad in order to play this puzzle. Download Stick Around from the App Store.


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