@iTeachTVnetwork on Periscope

@iTeachTVnetwork on Periscope

Are you on Periscope? Periscope is Twitter’s free live broadcasting app, and it’s a great way to learn from other teachers. Learn more about Periscope from my infographic, The Scoop on Periscope.

You can find me on Periscope as @tonyvincent, and you’re welcome to follow me. The thing is that I don’t have regularly scheduled times to broadcast. I live stream when I have time (which turns out to usually be 2 or 3 times a week). 

It does take time to find teachers to follow. Then you have to wait for them to broadcast.

Following @iTeachTVnetwork on Periscope (or Twitter) is a shortcut to finding broadcasts from thoughtful educators. @SheilaJaneTeaching started the @iTeachTVnetwork account and has assembled an energetic team that has regularly scheduled shows every day of the week. The schedule can be found on iTeachTVnetwork.com's TV Guide.

The lineup of shows includes many different topics, and technology is one of them. My show is called Time for Tech, and I host it once a month (usually on the second Saturday) at 10:30am Central time. 

iTeachTVnetwork broadcasts are 15 minutes long, which seems like the perfect amount of time for a focused topic and some Q & A. Below are some recent topics.

The best way to experience Periscope is to watch live because you can comment and ask questions. If you aren't able to watch live, iTeachTVnetwork replays are archived on Katch.me/iTeachTVnetwork. There are over 200 videos with comments captured there. You might be most interested in iTeachTVnetwork’s Technology Collection.

Just a few of the team of thoughtful educators who broadcast on iTeachTVnetwork

I’ve embedded some archived replays below so can get a better idea of what iTeachTVnetwork is all about.

Is iTeachTVNetwork live right now? How about Tony Vincent? Is he live on Periscope? If they are, their buttons below will be red.


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