Announcing is online! While covers the world of learning with tools that fit in students' and teachers' hands, focuses on online and digital technologies. Here are just some of the topics will cover: online publishing, Google Earth, digital video, RSS feeds, Wikipedia, information literacy, free software, and Web 2.0 services. These "internety" topics and handheld computing will often overlap and probably give me headaches when trying to figure out on to which site to post the content.

Currently, features a blog and forums. Unlike the learninginhand site where I use Dreamweaver to upload an HTML file for each page, uses a content management system (Drupal for those who want to know this kind of stuff). What does that exactly mean? With Drupal I'll be able to organize content on with just a couple of mouse clicks. Once there's more content, I will to have sorted by subject area. Posting in blog-format is a great convenience for the blogger, but it isn't so great for a reader who wants information on one topic. So watch for site organization and features to be added in the future. You can also look forward to layout changes and lots of tweaks as I improve the site.

As Dale pointed out in a blog comment, it takes some effort to keep up with all of the content I provide online. If you really want to keep up on everything I post, subscribe to my RSS feeds:

Now here's the beauty of RSS: subscribe with a service like Bloglines or Google Reader, and you don't have to visit each source individually. Just subscribe to the RSS feeds and log into Bloglines each day to see what's new. Many teachers have asked for step-by-step directions for subscribing with Bloglines. Jump on over to my post, Subscribe to Sites with Bloglines, at for help. I hope will also provide you with help, resources, news, lessons, strategies, and guidance for years to come...



Edition 2 of Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators


National Educational Computing Conference 2007