NECC Session: iPod touch/iPhone Application Support Group

LeslierFisher.comLeslie Fisher presented a fast-paced session at the National Educational Computing Conference in Washington D.C. It was called The iPod Touch/iPhone Application Support Group. Here are some of the notes I took:

  • Leslie talked about having a battery charge last long by turing off 3G and Bluetooth. Dimming the screen also lets your charge last longer.
  • Take a screenshot by holding down the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time.
  • SaiSuke ($9.99) lets you see your Google Calendar on your iPhone. The best part is that you can see what's written on your calendar in Month view. There is also a free version.
  • Note Pad is a $4.99 replacement to iPod touch's built-in Notes app. Leslie likes that the background is white and it doesn't use Maker Felt as the font.
  • Evernote is free and syncs your notes with your computer and the web.
  • Leslie likes Twitterfon for Twitter.
  • Remember the Milk is for taking notes.
  • Leslie uses Duck You Undo to teach her iPhone new words.
  • Mapping apps works best with GPS on iPhones. Loopt, Around Me, and more.
  • USA Today is a great news app and The Weather Channel is a great weather app.
  • She spent time on not-so-productive apps like Shazam, Beejive ($9.99), iTV,
  • Games: Airport Mania, Jet Set ($4.99), and iSudoku.
  • Responseware from Turning Point is a student feedback collection system.
  • Check out Leslie's 42-slide presentation online. You'll see she mentions music, astronomy, "of the day," and reference apps.


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