Student Excitement for iPods

Excited StudentLast week I lead a workshop with a group of teachers from the Cave Creek School Unified School District in Arizona. Cave Creek has been issuing teachers iPod classics for a couple years now. You can view lesson plans written by Cave Creek teachers involved in the iPods in the Classroom project.

Holly Silvestri, a Spanish teacher at Cactus Shadows High School, sent along this email after participating in the workshop:

I came out of training yesterday and some of my students saw me. It happened to be a group of kids that I have had some issues with in class, but they still have a pleasant rapport with me. They yelled, "Hey Dra. S, you're here! Why weren't you in class?

I walked over and responded that I had iPod training.

They said incredulously, "You need training to use an iPod?"

I responded, "No, but in how to use it in class." I then asked, "How would you like to use your iPods to learn in class?"

The kid with whom I have butted heads all year turned around and said, "You're kidding!" His eyes were wide with joy.

I said, "Absolutely not," and he bear hugged me, saying, "I love you, Dr S! When do we start?"

One of the benefits of using iPods for learning is that students are very much drawn to them. Many have their own iPods and would love to use them for learning. If you invite iPods into your classroom, don't expect a bear hug, but do expect excitement!


iPod touch and Games


iPod touch and Microphones