Summer Conferences

Thumbs Up!Here are some fantastic summer conference opportunities:

National Education Computing Conference
This year's conference takes place in Atlanta, Georgia June 24-27, 2007. I will be participating in a panel discussion, presenting a lecture on iPods, and presenting a poster session. Please stop by, say hello, and hopefully learn a thing or two.

5th Annual Technology Innovations/Handheld Computer Conference
Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Handheld Computer Conference scheduled for July 10- 11, 2007 at Tan-Tar-A Resort, Osage Beach! Each session will be a “hands-on” experience. There will be sessions for beginner, intermediate and advanced users. Unfortunately, it's the first time I won't be presenting at this conference (I wish I could be two places at once!), but I highly recommend this conference.

Mid-Atlantic Handheld & Emerging Technology Conference 2007
The conference planning committee recently gathered some data from past conference attendees and has decided to expand the conference for 2007! This year's conference will continue to focus on using handhelds in education, but also highlight some emerging technologies. As a result of this expansion, the conference has evolved into the Mid-Atlantic Handheld & Emerging Technology Conference (MAHETC)! I will be doing a keynote presentation, breakout sessions, and a couple workshops.


iPods Episode #4: iPod shuffle Tips


Podcasting Audience/Defining Podcasting