Additions to the Blogosphere

Blogs and More Blogs!I want to tell you about some new (or somewhat new) blogs about handheld computing that are out there in the blogosphere:

Mobile Musings
Karen Fasimpaur, president of K12 Handhelds, writes about mobile technologies.

Handheldman - Journal
Steve Byrd, a passionate and geeky educator, writes about educational technology. Steve's writing has a unique voice that is really entertaining to read. Also check out his Handheldman Podcast.

Pocket-Ed Futures Blog - Pocket PCs in the Classroom
Ian Marsden from Australia writes about his use of Pocket PCs with students. Ian includes lots of great lesson ideas.

Handhelds in the Classroom
Debbie Donohue recently started a blog. She is really hooked on handhelds. I mean, really hooked. I submit this quote as evidence, "If I lost my handheld computer I may as well stay in bed in the morning because I wouldn't know where to go or how to get there!" Be sure to check out the cool video Debbie recently posted.

Ubiquitous Thoughts
Mark van 't Hooft works for the Research Center for Educational Technology at Kent State University. He writes his thoughts and ideas about teaching, learning, and computing.

The Pre-Service Teacher Blog
Dale Ehrhart is going to make one heck of a teacher. He has lots of interest in handheld computing. Recently he's been blogging about educational applications he has programmed himself. You go Dale!

How do I come across these brilliant blogs? I subscribe to Google Blog Searches. As you know, I'm an avid Bloglines user. I absolutely love that all of my updated blogs and RSS feeds are waiting for me in one place. I use Bloglines to subscribe to the RSS feeds for searches like these: handhelds + education, handhelds + classroom, handhelds + learning, podcasting + education, and pda + classroom.

If you have a blog or know of one that you'd like to share, please tell us about it by adding a comment to this post!


Introducing Handheld Computing


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