Books: Future & Current

Handhelds BookI've been very busy working on the second edition of Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators. The first edition was written in 2003 and a lot has changed in three short years! We have much more educational software, handhelds can play audio and video, and there are many more resources out there for handheld computing! Even the operating systems have changed. In 2003 Palm OS 5 was brand new and most educators were using Palm OS 4. Pocket PC 2002 was out. Just last year Pocket PC 2003 was replaced by Windows Mobile 5.

If you need a book that focuses on the older Palm OS 4 or Pocket PC 2002/2003, then you better hurry and order the first edition of Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators. You can save $12 by purchasing the book through The second edition will be quite different from the first, so you might want to own both.

My co-author, Janet Caughlin, and I are collecting stories and quotes from educators and students about handheld computing. If you have something valuable to say about using handhelds, producing podcasts, managing a classroom, purchasing hardware, or troubleshooting problems, please email me at and you might be quoted in the new book!

And speaking of a new book, Handheld Applications for the Classroom by Chris Cuppett is available for order from Visions Technology in Education. Chris has written about 43 freeware and shareware Palm applications and how to use them in the classroom.

Don't forget that there are many other books about educational handheld computing. I've listed them here.


Additions to the Blogosphere


June 2006's Education in Hand