10 Big Ideas for Technology Integration

Jonathan Wylie

I’m spending the day at the 2017 Iowa 1:1 Institute in Des Moines. Check out the conference website, session resources, and Twitter hashtag #i11i. The first session I attended this morning was What Does Good Technology Integration Look Like by Jonathan Wylie.

Jonathan Wylie is a Digital Learning Consultant at Grand Wood AEA. I often tweet about what he posts on his informative instructional technology blog. Despite suffering from “man flu,” Jonathan masterfully presented 10 big ideas to consider when it comes to technology integration. He admitted he’s preaching to the choir at the Iowa 1:1 Institute, but the ideas are worth having conversations about. For each of his 10 ideas, Jonathan shared stories, quotes, examples, and videos. You can view Jonathan’s slides. Below I'm sharing my notes from his 55 minute presentation.

Big Idea #1

Technology is integrated well when it is used as a tool to enhance teaching and learning.

  • “If technology is an event in your school, you’re doing it wrong!” -Josh Allen
  • Technology use is no longer done in isolation. Computers use is no longer confined to a computer lab. 
  • TPAK Integration Framework has three main domains to think about when integrating technology: Technological knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge.
  • The SAMR framework is another way to think about tech integration. It features Substitution, Modification, Augmentation, and Substitution.
  • The RAT framework has Replacement, Application, and Transformation.
  • Jonathan lists other frameworks on Slide 7 of his presentation.

Big Idea #2

Technology is integrated well when instruction is modified to meet the needs of the digital age learner.

Big Idea #3

Technology is integrated well when you are willing to take risks and fail.

  • People who are not willing to change won’t take risks.
  • Teachers can learn a lot from lessons and activities that fail.
  • “Don’t worry about failures. Worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” -Jack Canfield

Big Idea #4

Technology is integrated well when you know when not to use it.

  • Technology is not always going to be the best solution for what you want to accomplish.
  • Not every activity will be enhanced with technology.
  • Using real objects can be better than digital objects.
  • Paper and pencil is not illegal in a 1:1 classroom.

Big Idea #5

Technology is integrated well when students are using the 4Cs as part of their learning.

  • Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration
  • This skills are important for college and the workplace.
  • Content can take precedence over these important skills.
  • “If a student goes a year without creating a video, it would like going a year without writing.” -Dean Shareski
  • The National Education Technology Plan promotes active use of technology over passive usage.

Big Idea #6

Technology is integrated well when it helps to personalize instruction & learning.

  • Jonathan sees Blended Learning as a teaching initiative, not a technology initiative.
  • “Learning has always been personalized and individualized. School is catching up.” -A.J. Juliani

Big Idea #7

Technology is integrated well when it’s supported by effective professional learning.

  • Too often professional learning provided to teachers is boring.
  • Professional learning for teachers should be personalized.

Big Idea #8

Technology is integrated well when teachers and technology directors work together.

  • “Technology decisions are education decisions.” -Jason Marshal
  • The technology you buy and the technology you block is certainly a decision about education.
  • David Fringer’s “Let it go” List for school technology departments...
    • The tech department is “in charge” of technology decisions.
    • “We know what you need.”
    • Computers are “precious” commodities.
    • The internet is dangerous!
    • Resources should be locked down tight.

Big Idea #9

Technology is integrated well when there is support from all stakeholders.

  • Technology costs money. The community need to see reasons or successes for the investment.
  • “It is our responsibility to transform the thick brick barriers surrounding our schools into clear, transparent walls of glass.” -Hacking Leadership by Tony Sinanis & Joe Sanfelippo
  • 70%-80% of the households in your community don’t have students enrolled in your school.
  • Build up social capital so that the community trusts that you’re doing great things.
  • CCSD 59 in Illinois has a monthly video series featuring a member of their staff.

Big Idea #10

Tech is integrated well when it’s supported by a good digital citizenship program.

  • It’s an educator’s responsibility to teach kids to use technology safely, ethically, and responsibly.
  • E-Rate funding requirements state schools need to "provide for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response."
  • According to surveys, not enough teachers are teaching students about legally using web content.

Jonathan ends with sharing some of the great resources he has a hand in creating. They include the Grant Wood AEA Digital Learning Blog, The EdTech Takeout podcast, and the Makerspace Show.


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