Killeen Independent School District • July 2021
Tony Vincent didn’t want his class to be known as Mr. Vincent’s Fifth Grade. Rather than making himself the mascot, he co-developed a class identity with his students. Tony notes that when students rally around an authentic brand, they feel a strong sense of community, work harder, and achieve more. See the brand in action, understand how it was developed, and consider how you might give your class, club, or learning space a unique identity.
Links from Tony’s Presentation…
Padlet is a web-based tool that you can use to collect and display photos
Trace a photo using the Polyline or Cure line tools in Google Drawings or Slides (video demo)
Design Your Own Virtual Locker template in Google Slides
Easily collect videos from students with Flipgrid
Record your school and your microphone with the Chrome extension Screencastify
50 Back to School Activities for the Remote Learning Classroom
Branding Google Slides Template (click File → Download as PowerPoint)
Sticker paper for cutting machines (for inkjet printers)
Fiverr marketplace for hiring a logo designer
Google search logo generators
Curated set of slides from Tony’s presentation…