Favorite Chrome Extensions
Extensions for Chrome are little programs that add functionality to Google's web browser. I've made graphics for my favorite ones.
Google Classroom for Professional Learning
I learned a lot from teaching a six week online class for educators in Google Classroom. Now I’d like to share tips and advice for using Google Classroom for professional learning, including the fundamentals of Classroom, a cheat sheet for post options, and the workflow I used with the adults in my class.
My Best Links from EdTechTeam AZ Summit Day Two
Yesterday I blogged about the sessions I attended at the EdTechTeam Arizona Summit Featuring Google Apps for Education. For Day Two, I'm sharing a list of web links I collected throughout the day.
Iterating, Searching, Mapping, Designing & Slamming at EdTechTeam AZ Summit
I had the pleasure of attending the EdTechTeam Arizona Summit. I’d like to tell you a little about the Day One of the conference