Resources from 25 Presentations at Miami Device 2015

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School hosted Miami Device, November 12 & 13, 2015. Felix Jacomino, the school’s Director of Technology, lead a team that pulled off another incredible learning event. The conference featured awesome speakers, social gatherings, and quirky fun.

⚠️ Update: Miami Device has a new name: ShiftinEdu. ShiftinEdu happens November 9-10, 2017 and registration is open! It's at the same location as 2015's Miami Device. While I'm not able to be there, I highly recommend this incredible learning event. The lineup of speakers is amazing!

When I attend conference sessions and keynotes, I like to create infopics. I didn’t make as many infopics from Miami Device 2015 as I would have liked, but I did create a few. I used a combination of Pixlr and Typorama to enhance, edit, and type on the photos. 

Miami Device had an amazing collection of presenters, all speaking about hot education topics. As a participant, I had to make tough decisions on which sessions to attend—so many fantastic ones were happening concurrently. Fortunately, some of the speakers have provided digital handouts and resources from their presentations. Like I did for Miami Device 2014, I thought I’d link to these resources (starting with digital handouts from the three sessions I presented).

Spruce Up You Centers with Technology
by Tony Vincent
Explore how you can leverage websites and apps to give learning centers/stations a boost, especially when it comes to setting the course, providing content, supporting creativity, and capturing responses. Check out the infographic and video. They focus on free tools, so you can get to retooling your learning centers right away!

Producing Powerful (and Pretty) Infopics
by Tony Vincent
An infopic is a photo with text layered on top that is designed to communicate a message. Some are simple while others are enhanced with awesome photography effects. An infopic's message might be a summary, quote, definition, notes, data, weblink, or other informational tidbits. Infopics can help us process, remember, and convey information in an appealing way. See loads of examples and learn about apps, websites, and techniques that teachers and students can use for making their own infopics.

We’re Live! The Ins and Outs of Live Broadcasting
by Tony Vincent
With a press of a button, you can be broadcasting live video to the world. Periscope, Meerkat, and Blab are three popular (and free) live streaming apps, and they are full of potential. Similar to Twitter, you choose who to follow, and you receive notifications when that person starts a broadcast. People who tune in live can type comments so that the broadcaster can interact with the audience. Check out The Scoop on Periscope infographic to become familiar with Periscope and its potential.

Green Screen Magic
by Janet Corder and Joan Gore
Your K-12 students can easily create videos for storytelling, book reviews, historical reenactments, weather reports and more through the use of Green Screen Technology. Janet and Joan share their green screen moviemaking resources on a Smore page. The page includes links to apps, tutorials, ideas, and examples.

Creating Googley Infographics
by Laura Bates, Melanie Burford, and Angie McNally
See lots of example infographics made by elementary students in this Google Slideshow. There are also slides with advice for creating your own infographics using Google Drawings. 

Device-less Memory!
by Nelson Dellis
In an age where there are so many devices we use to replace and/or aid our memories, our brains have become lazy and weak. In this talk, 4x USA Memory Champion Nelson Dellis discusses the importance of memory and argues the case for putting aside your device and using the most powerful device of them all - the one that sits inside your head, your brain. Nelson shares a PDF with the colorful slides from his amazing presentation.

Sketchnoting: Visually Taking Notes
by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano
The term sketchnoting describes a style of visual note-taking. Sketchnoting is helping make your thinking visible and shareable as you are reading a professional book, watching a movie clip, reading an educational blog post or article or listening to a lecture of conference keynote. Read Silvia’s 10 Tips to Get Started with Sketchnoting and scroll down the page to view her slides.

Lessons from the Future
by Richard Wells
In this session Richard shows what his country (New Zealand) looks like with its teacher designed, future focused education system. Richard was kind enough to post his slides online, and he has included some fantastic photos from futuristic classrooms.

Technology Driven Differentiated Instruction
by Vicki Davis
Learn how Vicki uses podcasts, digital movie-making, a YouTube channel, wikis, blogs, and other tools to involve all of the learning styles of her students and create repositories of information to document and demonstrate learning in her technology classroom.

Photo and Video on Your Mobile Device
by Leslie Fisher
Leslie's class was designed to show some tips and tricks on how to take effective digital photographs and video with your app based phone or tablet no matter the time of day or conditions. She also previewed many of the various photo and video apps available today. A PDF of her slides has really great tips and examples!

Tech Tools for Early Learners
by Janet Corder and Joan Gore
You'll be amazed at the things even your tiny tots can do when given the chance to use iPads and computers to create and learn. Janet and Joan are full of ideas that can be used immediately in the classroom, and they’ve gathered them onto a Smore page.

App University: Building Digital Innovators
by Tracy Bulot and Christy Hames Ferguson
Learn ways to use apps and app smashing with your students to help them become digital innovators. Tracy and Christy share their favorite apps that can be combined together to create amazing and unique student digital projects across grade levels. Their handout is a Google Site full of student-made examples.

Students as Producers and Creators: How to Use App Smashing to Create in iBooks
by Nikolaos Chatzopoulos
This sessions introduces a number of innovative ways in which iPads and MacBooks can be used in conjunction with one another in a classroom to build high quality, student-made iBooks that will dramatically increase the student learning experience. Nikolaos shares a PowerPoint slideshow that highlights some great app workflows.

Chart a Course! Tools for the Digital Navigator in your Classroom
by Michael Luetjen
Michael refers to tech integrators as Digital Navigators. His sessions is about how Digital Navigators can connect and inspire learners. He shares his slides as a PDF with some great questions and ideas to ponder.

App Smashing to YouTube
by Wesley Fryer
One of the most powerful ways to use mobile devices in the classroom is to help students share their voices online on a classroom YouTube channel. Wesley demonstrates how to go from a planning storyboard, to a video creation iPad app, to the teacher iPad with AirDrop or InstaShare, to the classroom YouTube channel with YouTube Capture, and finally to a YouTube video playlist

4C’s + 3D’s = Engaged Learning
by Marie Coleman
The 4C’s (Critical Thinking, Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration) were developed more than a decade ago. Using the 3D’s (Discover, Dabble and Distribute), educators can identify and construct examples of effective instructional strategies, combine them with engaging technology, and organically weave the 4C’s into everyday instructional practice. Marie’s slideshow is full of information and includes videos.

50 Ways to Improve Your Classroom with Technology
by Vicki Davis
Vicki Davis shares her slides from her fast paced session. She highlights useful web tools, Chrome extensions, and software.

Make it a Great Day of Learning! (With Live Announcements)
by Laura Bates
The morning announcements at Reuben Johnson Elementary set the tone for a great day of learning. Laura Bates shares sample broadcasts, tips, and technical information on her Live Announcements at RJE wiki.

Global Teaching - Google and the Virtual Field Trip
by Nicholas Clayton
As a teacher there is always that age old question, "Where on Earth am I going to take my students on a field trip this year? The museum that has old exhibits and a four hour bus trip from hell?" How about space to talk to the ISS crew, Switzerland to discuss talk to the pilot of the first solar powered airplane that will round the globe? Well all is possible, and more, when you do some exploring of these sites, programs and tips Nicholas offers in his slideshow.

Moving the Unmovable Teacher
by Richard Wells
Richard offers advice on how he provided his teachers with practical steps that made such clear and obvious sense, even to the most cynical, that these more reluctant colleagues were quick to make shifts towards 21st century teaching practices they had been negative towards beforehand. His slideshow is packed with great advice for school leaders on how to offer incentives to make change in teaching practice without increasing workload.

Integrating Design & Technology Into Conventional Curriculum
by Charlie Mahoney
Charlie shares how they kicked it up a notch at his school by bringing together his school’s Design curriculum and our 6th grade students’ yearly Cardboard Car science project. Students used Design Thinking skills and TinkerCAD, a free web-based 3D design software, to plan and build models of their working full scale cardboard cars. View his slides as a PDF for information about the IB Design Cycle and TinkerCAD.

Beyond the Lesson Plan
by Kelly Garner and Wendy Powers
Get students to go beyond the lesson plans, and get excited about learning! Learn how to create student directed activities, and focus on how to use the global classroom. Kelly and Wendy’s slides cover Mystery Skype, social media in the classroom, SOLE, BYOD, and more!

App-Smashing - Don’t Just Stop With One App!
by Janet Corder and Joan Gore
Why limit your students to just one app? Let their creativity explode by combining multiple apps to create a project or activity. Janet and Joan’s Smore page has lists of apps, ideas, examples, and tutorials.

Creating Even More in Google Drive
by Kyle Pace
Are you ready to take your use of Google Drive beyond Docs, Sheets, and Slides? Did you know there's lots of awesome apps available to you in Google Drive that make it do even more! Kyle shared some great apps during the session, and you can find some of them listed on his Google Drive/Docs page.

Explain Everything & Tellagami & ThingLink, Oh My!
by Tracy Zordan

Tracy looks at a trifecta of apps which offer the flexibility to be used in any subject class for students to be able to showcase their knowledge. Her slideshow showcases Explain Everything, Tellagami, and ThingLink by sharing ideas and examples.

You can explore Miami Device 2015’s schedule and see if the sessions you are interested in happen to have uploaded files or links to digital handouts. If a session does not have a presentation link, try contacting the speaker and ask for one. 😁


I brought along my trusty iRig Mic HD and broadcasted live from Miami Device on Periscope

Miami Device Periscope Logo.png

The good news is that St. Stephens Episcopal Day School is hosting another learning event. Miami Device has a new name: ShiftinEdu. It's November 9-10, 2017 and registration is open!


Class Quiz Games with Quizizz (an Alternative to Kahoot)


Learning in Hand is Now on Instagram