Google Classroom Tips

Google Classroom Tips

Google Classroom is a free web service that makes it easy for learners and teachers to connect. It's used to communicate, share resources, distribute files, and collect assignments. Google Classroom may not have as many features as Edmodo or Schoology, but it does work incredibly well with the Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Drawings suite of free online software.

As I teach classes with Google Classroom, I’m discovering tricks and inventing workarounds to make it work better for my students and me. I’m sharing several tips below. I'll continue to add more as I create visuals for things that are handy to know about Google Classroom.



Click the graphic below for a PDF cheat sheet about posting in Google Classroom.

You might be interested in my post Google Classroom for Professional Learning. I have learned a lot from teaching online classes for educators in Google Classroom. Now I’d like to share tips and advice for using Google Classroom for professional learning, including the fundamentals of Classroom and the workflow I used with the adults in my class.


Learn more about Google Classroom...


Practical Pointers for YouTube


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