Favorite Sites for Free Clipart and Photos

Search boxes with images

I use a lot of visuals in my work. I prefer to use my own photographs and to draw my own illustrations. When it's not practical or possible to use my own work, I rely on a handful of websites that provide copyright friendly images. Those images are licensed as public domain or Creative Commons Attribution.

Images that are licensed as public domain do not require any citation. When a creator gives his or her image a public domain license, he or she waives all rights to the image, including the right to attribution. A Creative Commons Zero License (CC0) is another way to state that the work has been put into the public domain.

Images with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license can be shared and reused as long as attribution is given. There are other Creative Commons licenses that are more restrictive. They include ShareAlike, Noncommercial, and NoDerivatives. 


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