Live Call-In Show 1-28-09: Favorite iPod touch App


I'm planning a call-in show for the next episode of Learning in Hands: iPods. The topics is Favorite iPod touch Educational Apps. These can be apps that teachers and/or students use for teaching and/or learning. With over 10,000 apps in the App Store, there are certainly lots to choose from. The show will be recorded live on Wednesday, January 28th at 8:00 PM Eastern time.

We'll be using TalkShoe, a free service that lets anyone record an audio program where listeners can call in by phone or by computer. On the 28th, you'll need to click here to listen live, call in, and join the chat room.

If you're not familiar with, I suggest heading on over there and checking out some of their programs that are currently live. You can join any live show without talking--just go in and have a look and listen so you are ready for our show on the 28th. I suggest you sign up for a free account and then download TalkShoe Pro so you can use your computer's microphone to call-in. (You can also call-in using Skype--TalkShoe will give you a VOIP number to call.)

I'm nervous that I'll host a call-in show and no one will call in. So please mark it on your calendar and consider participating. Even if you don't plan to speak, you can listen live and participate in the associated text chat. If you can't join us, please email me ( with your favorite apps and their uses and I'll talk about them during the show. Thanks!


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