Good iPod Ideas

iPodHere are a couple neat ideas for using iPods in schools:

In our media center, we currently have four iPods that are used with students during school. I have purchased full audiobooks for the iPods that students may listen to in the media center.

Also, using garage band, I've put mini "booktalks" on the iPods to give students ideas for books they may want to check out. The booktalks may involve general information about the book and/or reading a short excerpt from the book to entice the students to read the book on their own. This is very helpful as I do not always have time to give every student the personal assistance they need in locating books.

We have set up in iPod center in the media center and students must be trained on the iPods before they can use them. Our plan is to order several more iPods before the end of the year as the project has been very popular!

Mark Twain Elementary
Bettendorf, IA
Beth Campbell

We just recently got an iPod at the beginning of this school year along with out new textbook series. I have every single CD that I would use in my music classroom loaded onto it. It works better to go shuffle through the playlist instead of loading CD's into the CD player or switching disks.

Janelle Jaworski
Blair Community Schools
K-2 Music Specialist

Thanks to Beth and Janelle for permission to share their quotes. Thanks to Janet Hill from Apple for sharing these ideas on the Nebraska Apple Education mailing list.


iPods Episode #2: Downloading Videos


New Podcast About iPods in Education