January Forum Digest

Reading ForumsAnother month has passed, and we've almost doubled the number of discussion forum members since last month. In case you haven't read all 65 posts in January, allow me to summarize some of the activity on learninginhand's Discussion Forums.

  • Brian introduces himself. He's a fifth grade teacher in Indiana who was fortunate enough to find funding for every fifth grader in his school to have a handheld and keyboard.
  • Mark encourages everyone to join ISTE's Special Interest Group on Handheld Computer. This SIG will promote the use of handheld computing in education.
  • Elaine requests quick advice about being on the local news. Her North Carolina students use handhelds and Tony, Dale, Wendy, and Marc gave her some great advice. Elaine later informs the forum readers that she survived the invasion into her classroom and the television segment turned out very well!
  • Wendy is trying a new form of professional development using podcasting. She's asking teachers in her building to listen to a podcast and then meet in a relaxed setting to discuss it.
  • Dale invites readers to visit his new blogging site: http://dalesmediaexperiments.blogspot.com/ .
  • Stephen wants to know others' opinions on the Palm Z22. George informs him that administrators in his district do not like using the Z22s because the screen is so small. However, kids might have a different opinion about the screen size.
  • Rob asks about printing by infrared beaming. He's given some advice by Rob and Tony.
  • Tony and Brian seek feedback on a new piece of Palm freeware called LCM-GCF. Unfortunately, no one has given any feedback yet.
  • Rob gives a follow-up to his question about Palm handhelds' wireless security. It turns out his Palm TX cannot be used at school because it doesn't follow WPA-Enterprise authentication.
  • chintson is curious about programming for handhelds. Brian is kind enough to explain ways of programming for the Palm Operating System.
  • Dale gives an alternative URL to download the Palm game Summing. It appears the link on Freewarepalm.com isn't working.
  • Wendy is kind enough to share what she learned from an Apple podcasting and blogging workshop she recently attended.
And as I will do each month, I've drawn a name of a forum member who posted during the month of January. Member millerb has been randomly chosen to receive two very-orange stylus-pens! Brian, please email me with a mailing address and the stylus-pens will be on their way. Congratulations!


Podcasts from the World Conference on Mobile Learning


Questioning Palm's Future