August 2015 • Tony Vincent showcases 10 free digital tools teachers can put to use right away. He's selected sites, apps, and resources that you might not have heard about before!
Clean up your inbox! After you sign up, see a list of all your subscription emails. Unsubscribe instantly from whatever you don’t want. Easily combine your favorite subscriptions into a daily digest email called the Rollup.
Oftentimes when we shorten web addresses to share with others, the shortened URL is difficult to say aloud or type. Be sure to use a URL shortener’s customize feature to make short URLs friendly to say and type.
Your inbox can quickly fill with exchanges when trying to schedule a meeting or event. Instead of coordinating through email, use Doodle. Doodle enables you to propose several dates and times and participants can indicate their availability online.
Easily record your voice for instant playback online with Vocaroo. Recording a Vocaroo requires Flash, so you'll need to record on a Mac, PC, or Chromebook. Flash is not required to play Vocaroo, so students can listen on mobile devices. In fact, Vocaroo can generate a QR code for your recording.
Create an online Jeopardy game you can play as a class using JeopardyLabs. The games you make can be played in class and you can give students a URL to play at home. Similar sites include FlipQuiz and Jeopardy Rocks.
Turn online videos into interactive experiences with Zaption. Break up long YouTube videos into sections and add images, text, and questions to the video. You can view statistics about each Zaption tour you create. Each free tour is limited to including 6 interactive elements.
The Noun Project has a huge collection of symbols and icons. You can find an image to illustrate just about any idea. You have permission to use The Noun Project's images in your own project because they are covered under a Creative Commons Attribution or a Public Domain license. You can only download black icons, but there is a way to recolor them.
Flipboard is your personal magazine. You choose the topics and start reading. You can also make magazines from Twitter posts. For instance, you can make a magazine with everything Tony Vincent posts by entering @tonyvincent. Or, make a magazine from hashtags on Twitter.
See a list of extra font characters and emoji that you can simply click to copy and paste them anywhere else, including worksheets, newsletters, Remind text, tweets, etc. No more using the square root symbol for a checkmark because CopyPasteCharacter has checkmarks!
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Collect, sort, and share student responses with sticky notes! Open Post-it Plus and create a new board. Then snap a photo of one or multiple sticky notes. Post-it Plus digitized them, allowing you to sort them and share the board as a PDF. Currently Post-It Plus is iOS only.