We're Live! The ins and Outs of Live Broadcasting

November 2016


With a press of a button, you can be broadcasting live video to the world. Periscope, Facebook Live, and YouTube are three popular (and free) live streaming apps, and they are full of potential. Similar to Twitter, you choose who to follow, and you receive notifications when that person starts a broadcast. People who tune in live can type comments so that the broadcaster can interact with the audience.

Educators can jump in on broadcasts about topics like classroom management, setting up centers, or the latest apps. Teachers can step into other teachers’ classrooms and take a tour and ask questions. You might even catch live streams from conferences, workshops, and edcamps. Let’s compare the major live streaming apps, view clips from example broadcasts, discover who to follow, and brainstorm the best educational uses for live broadcasting.

Click for Tony Vincent's Periscope profile page. You can watch replay of his broadcasts!

Check out Tony's live broadcasts from the ISTE 2016 conference in Denver.

Go to tonyv.live or facebook.com/learninginhand and follow him on Facebook to get notifications of when he's on Facebook Live.


Check out my 360 degree video of my Periscope setup (which uses much of the same equipment). Open the link in the YouTube mobile app or in Chrome on the desktop to be able to pan around the video.