My Green Screen Setup

My Green Screen Setup

Maybe you've seen one of my videos for teachers?

For my series of instructional videos I have a green screen as my background. I then use software to replace the green color with different backgrounds. This chromakey effect allows me to place objects behind and in front of me. I think it helps my videos look slick and puts the focus on my content.

I'm often asked about the set up I use to film my videos. Here's a 360 spherical photo that I've annotated. Feel free to scroll and zoom around to check out my setup.

Tony Vincent's green screen setup. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

I took the spherical photo using a Ricoh Theta S camera. Before publishing I brought the image into Keynote where I added the annotations. I saved the image from Keynote as a JPEG and then published using the Theta software.

In case you're interested in purchasing what I use, here are some links with more information. Some are affiliate links and I might receive a commission from your purchase.

Your green screen setup does not have to be nearly as fancy as mine. Modern green screen/chromakey software does a pretty good job detecting a green background, even if that background is not well lit and wrinkly. Teachers have shared their setups on Twitter, and they range from very simple to a little more sophisticated...


Check out my 360 degree video of my Periscope setup (which uses much of the same equipment). Open the link in the YouTube mobile app or in Chrome on the desktop to be able to pan around the video.


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