Click or Scan for a Random Educational iOS App

There are lots of places to find educational apps for iOS, including the App Store, Appitic, Twitter, AppShopper, etc. Yet, despite so many resources, I come across countless apps by chance. That is, I wasn't setting out to find a particular app, but after following link after link I come upon some gems.

In the spirit of serendipity, I've developed a way to discover educational apps. Simple click the button, scan the QR code, or go to to be taken to an app's details page in the App Store.

The link will redirect you to a random item from my list of excellent educational apps. At the time of this writing the list has 200 apps, which I intend to add to over time. They are all ones I feel are good for teaching and learning. Most apps are free, but some are paid. Already own the app or the app doesn't apply to who or what you teach? Then click again for another random app! Click or scan as many times as you'd like. Because it's random, you might see some repeats, so simply click click or scan again.

For even more serendipity, scroll to the bottom of the app's details page in iTunes or on iPad to see apps listed under "Customers Also Bought." There might be more treasures just waiting to be downloaded! 

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